Friday, July 11, 2008

Fabulous Fourth and Babysitting Adventures

This is a little late, but here is what we did on our spectacular Fourth of July weekend. For the first time in a long time we didn’t travel to Logan for the weekend. I love and miss Logan, but it is nice to spend time at home as well!

We went to Hogle Zoo on the 4th. It was amazing! We went really early in the morning and had the really great fortune of seeing almost every animal up and moving. Here are some of our favorite zoo moments (from left to right, top to bottom):

1. The elephants and rhinos both had new exhibits since I’ve been last, they were both really cool and you could get really close to them. This elephant had just finished walking from one end to the other. He is huge!
2. The awesome white alligator. He is one of 8 in the entire world. His mom and dad both carried the recessive gene for being white. He was one of 18 brothers who were miraculously picked up as eggs by researchers (I say miraculous because they would have died in the wild because they sunburn so easily). I relate to them very well what with the pale skin and the sunburns and all. But anyway he was really cool and swimming around when we saw him.
3. Zebra, one of my faves.
4. Monkeys- there were lots of monkeys and they were ALL so active! I just thought these ones had wonderful “Mad Professor” hair. As a side note, one set of monkeys were, um, “getting busy” and they were screaming really loud, we happened to be next to them when it started and had front row seats, everyone else gathered around and there was a huge crowd. Aren’t you glad you don’t live in a zoo!
5. Two bears fighting. Also drew a huge crowd. They were literally knocking each other over, very cool to see!
6. Mamma and baby giraffe. The baby was still way taller than I would ever dream of being.
7. NOT my favorite thing at all, but it was feeding time in the snake house. This particular snake was eating was used to be a very cute, fuzzy, white bunny. Sad panda!
8. You know the song about the kookaburra bird? The one in the old gum tree? Well this is that bird. The zoo keeper got him to “call” while we were talking to him… it was awesome and loud!
9. The tiger! He was swimming around and swatting at this big ball and putting his paw up against little kid’s hands. One of the coolest things I’ve ever seen!

The only downside was that Josh’s favorite animal, the kangaroo, was pretty much the only one that wasn’t active. I highly recommend going to the zoo in the morning! Here our some other pictures of us at the zoo.

Later in the day we also saw some great fireworks in Harrisville. We found a cute little spot and snuggled up to celebrate our first married Independence Day (ironic?) and our sixth year of being together. What a spectacular day!

This last Wednesday we got to babysit our wonderful niece Kylie. She is such a cutie with tons of personality and attitude. We tried to teach her how to do summersaults and roll down the hill. I had so much fun with her and I took some great pictures. Josh and I consider ourselves lucky to babysit her every chance we get! The last picture is what happens when she is mad! What a doll!